Why Write an OARS Commitment?
This is our moment to step forward and influence the trajectory of ocean acidification, recognising the pivotal role the ocean plays in our lives. The UN Ocean Decade offers a platform for us to engage and effect lasting change in how we navigate this challenge. Through the UN-endorsed OARS programme, with its seven outcomes driven by community input, we have a roadmap to illuminate and mitigate the impacts of ocean acidification. We must all rise to this occasion, to explore what each of us can contribute to this endeavour. The hopes of future generations hinge on our collective action. Let us all consider what we can do.
Commitments for Change
From individuals to global entities, each Commitment to one or more of the OARS outcomes signifies a pledge to combat this crisis and safeguard marine ecosystems and the well-being and livelihoods of those reliant on them. By publicly declaring your Commitment, you not only show the world what you are doing to address ocean acidification but also inspire others to join in, catalysing a chain reaction of positive contributions. Commitments will be highlighted on our website, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration. Every effort, regardless of its scale, holds significance, and we warmly invite you to be a part of realising the aspirations and outcomes of the OARS UN Ocean Decade program.
OARS Commitments Video

OARS Commitments