ICONEC: International Carbon Ocean Network for Early Career
"We aim to create a community of early career professionals who can interact and support each other as peers across international borders."
Members of the GOA-ON ICONEC Network are:
- Early career ocean professional (ECOP) who make their living from a healthy ocean, with an interest in the ocean carbon cycle.
- Self-identified as being early in their career (10 years or less of professional experience) within any occupation related to the ocean (not only employed/paid positions).
- Involved with their local GOA-ON regional Hub.
- Actively supporting and contributing to ECOP driven projects that raise the profile of ECOP voices in the conversation which surrounds marine carbon.
- Interested in creating and participating in global capacity sharing opportunities.
- Committed to the values expressed in the ICONEC Values Statement.

How to Join
If you are currently a member of GOA-ON and would like to also join the ICONEC community, please email secretariat@goa-on.org.
If you are new to GOA-ON, click the "GOA-ON Membership Registration" link below and select the option to join ICONEC.
The GOA-ON ICONEC Network is a place where:
- Provide opportunities for ECOP's to increase their involvement with their local GOA-ON Hub(s).
- GOA-ON members who identify as ECOPs, and ECOPs who support the goals of GOA-ON, can find an inclusive and welcoming community centred around a common interest in global marine carbon cycling.
- Provide a space where Members can openly share experiences, ideas, and frustrations, and seek support from other ECOPS.
- Knowledge and capacity sharing between ECOP's is facilitated.
- Ensure all members people are valued, respected, and welcomed.
- Communication and collaboration are encouraged, and opportunities for communication are supported through our various engagement platforms, working groups, and meetings.
- Create and promote opportunities that all ECOP's to take a larger role in relevant projects.
The idea for an Early Career community was brought up during the 5th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World during a GOA-ON side meeting. Throughout the course of the meeting ECOP's from across the globe coordinated and organised themselves to form a community that could be sustained past this meeting. Over the next few months this community met virtually, creating goals, sharing opportunities, and spreading the word. Now the ICONEC community contains more than 60 members from 14+ countries.
Steering Committee
- Austin Pugh
Northern Hemisphere Lead
austin@neracoos.org - Falilu Adekunbi
Southern Hemisphere Lead/ OA Africa Liaison
kunbiphisch@gmail.com - Kalina Grabb
Steering Committee Project Leader
kgrabb@whoi.edu - Patrick Duke
Steering Committee Project Leader
pjduke@ucalgary.ca - Gabby Kitch
Steering Committee Project Leader
gabby.kitch@noaa.gov - Elise Keister
GOA-ON Liason
elise.keister@noaa.gov - Mary Margaret Stoll
Northern Hemisphere Secretary
mmstoll@uw.edu - Natalie Bravo
Social/Southern Hemisphere Secretary/LAOCA Hub Liaison
nbravos@unprg.edu.pe - Sarah Cryer
Social Media Manager
s.e.cryer@soton.ac.uk - Anna Hughes
NA Hub Liaison
hugheann@oregonstate.edu - Clayton Vondriska
Caribbean Hub Liaison