GOA-ON Executive Council
Co-chairs | |||||||
Jan Newton | USA | University of Washington | |||||
Steve Widdecombe | UK | Plymouth Marine Laboratory | |||||
Topical Representatives | |||||||
Adrienne Sutton | USA | PMEL NOAA | |||||
Richard Bellerby | PR China and Norway | NIVA | |||||
Sam Dupont | Sweden | University of Gotenberg | |||||
Jose Martin Hernandez Ayon | Mexico | Universidad Autonoma de Baja California | |||||
Regional Hub Representatives | |||||||
Abed El Rahman Hassoun | Lebanon | GEOMAR | Med Hub | ||||
Helen Findlay | UK | Plymouth Marine Lab | NE Atlantic | ||||
Cecilia Chapa | Mexico | UMAR | LAOCA | ||||
Nayrah Shaltout | Egypt | National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Egypt | OA Africa | ||||
Richard Feely | USA | NOAA PMEL | North American Hub | ||||
Punyasloke Bhadury | India | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata | SAROA | ||||
Aleluia Taise | Samoa | University of Wellington/National University of Samoa | PI-TOA | ||||
Agneta Fransson | Norway | Norwegian Polar Institute | Arctic Hub | ||||
Debbie-Ann Gordon-Smith | Jamaica | The University of the West Indies, Mona | Caribbean Hub | ||||
Sheck Sherif | Liberia/UK | United Methodist University/Queen's University Belfast | Gulf of Guinea Hub | ||||
Alyce Hancock | Australia | SOOS | SO-OA | ||||
Early Career Representatives | |||||||
Natalie Del Carmen Bravo Senmache | Peru | Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruz Gallo | |||||
Mary Margaret V Stoll | USA | University of Washington | |||||
Program Representational Members | |||||||
Maribel I. García-Ibáñez | Spain | IOCCP | |||||
Kirsten Isensee | France | IOC-UNESCO | |||||
Sarah Cooley | USA | NOAA OAP | |||||
Maciej Telszewski | Poland | GOOS | |||||
Lina Hansson | Monaco | IAEA OA-ICC | |||||
Secretariat | |||||||
Katherina Schoo | France | IOC-UNESCO | |||||
Elise Keister | USA | NOAA OAP | |||||
Courtney Witkowski | Monaco | IAEA OA-ICC |

Members of the GOA-ON Executive Council in Palma de Mallorca, Spain in June 2023. From the top (left to right): Katherina Schoo (IOC-UNESCO; GOA-ON Secretariat), Kim Currie (IOCCP), Richard Bellerby (East China Normal University and Norwegian Institute for Water Research), Steve Widdicombe (Plymouth Marine Laboratory; GOA-ON co-chair), Jan Newton (University of Washington; GOA-ON co-chair), Sam Dupont (University of Gothenburg), Kirsten Isensee (IOC-UNESCO), Kalina Grabb (NOAA; GOA-ON Secretariat), Libby Jewett (NOAA), Abed El Rahman Hassoun (GEOMAR), Punyasloke Bhadury (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata), Anwesha Ghosh (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata), Sarah Flickinger (IAEA OA-ICC; GOA-ON Secretariat).

The GOA-ON Secretariat in June 2023. From left to right: Kalina Grabb (NOAA), Katherina Schoo (IOC-UNESCO), Sarah Flickinger (IAEA OA-ICC).
Legacy Photos

GOA-ON Executive Council (EC) members at the 2020 EC meeting in Lima, Peru. Meeting participants, listed from left to right: Sam Dupont (University of Gothenburg), Katherina Schoo (IOC-UNESCO, GOA-ON Secretariat), Gabby Kitch (NOAA, GOA-ON Secretariat), Ashley Bantelman (IAEA OA-ICC), Kim Currie (IOCCP), Helen Findlay (Plymouth Marine Lab), Richard Feely (NOAA), Steve Widdicombe (Plymouth Marine Lab, GOA-ON co-chair), Jan Newton (University of Washington, GOA-ON co-chair), Abed El Rahman Hassoun (GEOMAR), Jose Martin Hernandez Ayron (Universidad Autonoma de Baja California), Bronte Tilbrook (CSIRO), Kirsten Isensee (IOC-UNESCO), Nayrah Shaltout (National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Egypt), Richard Bellerby (East China Normal University and Norwegian Institute for Water Research), Adrienne Sutton (NOAA). Executive Council Members not included in this image include Maciej Telszewski (GOOS), Libby Jewett (NOAA ), Somkiat Khokiattiwong (Phuket Marine Biological Center), Benjamin Pfeil (University of Bergen), Fei Chai (SOED, Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA & University of Maine), Carol Turley (Plymouth Marine Lab), Punyasloke Bhadury (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata), Aleluia Taise (University of Wellington/National University of Samoa), Agneta Fransson (Norwegian Polar Institute).

The GOA-ON Secretariat in September 2022. From left to right: Sarah Flickinger (IAEA OA-ICC), Katherina Schoo (IOC-UNESCO), Gabby Kitch (NOAA), Ashley Bantelman (now IAEA OA-ICC).

GOA-ON Executive Council (EC) members at the 2019 EC meeting in Hangzhou China. Meeting participants, listed from left to right: Robert Duncan (SPREP), Kirsten Isensee (IOC-UNESCO), Maciej Telszewski (GOOS), Libby Jewett (NOAA, GOA-ON co-chair), Bronte Tilbrook (CSIRO, GOA-ON co-chair), Marine Lebrec (IAEA OA-ICC, GOA-ON Secretariat), Jan Newton (University of Washington), Abed El Rahman Hassoun (National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon), Richard Bellerby (East China Normal University and Norwegian Institute for Water Research), Kim Currie (IOCCP), Katherina Schoo (IOC-UNESCO, GOA-ON Secretariat), Lina Hansson (IAEA OA-ICC), Alicia Cheripka (NOAA, GOA-ON Secretariat), Richard Feely (NOAA), Fei Chai (SOED, Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA & University of Maine). Executive Members not included in this image include Sam Dupont (University of Gothenburg), Helen Findlay (Plymouth Marine Lab), Nayrah Shaltout (National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries), Somkiat Khokiattiwong (Phuket Marine Biological Center), Benjamin Pfeil (University of Bergen).

The GOA-ON Secretariat at the 4th GOA-ON International Workshop in Hangzhou, China, April 2019. From left to right: Katherina Schoo (IOC-UNESCO), Marine Lebrec (IAEA OA-ICC), Meredith Kurz (former GOA-ON Secretariat member at NOAA), Alicia Cheripka (NOAA).