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The Arctic Ocean Acidification Hub
The Arctic Ocean Acidification Hub was established in 2020, with kick-off at the GOA-ON Ocean Acidification Week in September 2020. The Arctic Ocean Acidification Hub (Arctic Hub) is a network for different disciplines of ocean acidification (OA), including observations, experiments and modelling within the Arctic region.
How to Join
Main goal: Establish a pan-Arctic time series on seasonal and inter-annual variability, trends, and processes, and assess the influence to and from the connected oceans.
- Contribute to pan-Arctic data and knowledge on OA and progressing change in carbonate chemistry due to climate change
- Inform about on-going field activities, effect studies, and potential pan-Arctic collaboration
- GOA-ON in-a-box community involvement and equipment development for Arctic conditions
Planned and On-Going Activities
- The international Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS), where several countries participate in 2020-2021 for a comprehensive dataset in a pan-Arctic view. The goal is to generate a comprehensive dataset that allows for a complete characterization of Arctic hydrography and circulation, carbon uptake and ocean acidification, tracer distribution and pollution, and organismal and ecosystem functioning and productivity. Many of us are involved in the SAS (e.g., studies in the Arctic Basin, the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait region, Barents Sea) — more information is found on the SAS site.
- The Nansen Legacy Arctic Basin cruise 24 August - 26 September 2021 contribution to GOA-ON Arctic Hub and SAS.
- The international, multidisciplinary project "Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate" (MOSAiC 2019/2020) will contribute with new knowledge and seasonal data from the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, regional programs (coastal-shelf, land-ocean) will contribute to the Arctic hub.
- GOA-ON in-a-box community involvement and development for Arctic conditions.
- Other Arctic field initiatives, need update.
- Arctic hub will participate in GOA-ON Science week, speakers and posters, Arctic hub session, September 2021.
- CO2 pan-Arctic data set.
- "Shell day", modified US program by NECAN (NECAN is a North East Coastal Acidification Network), community/local collect OA samples, awareness of OA in the general public, could be developed as a pan-Arctic "shell day".
- Upcoming ASSW 2022, Tromsø, Norway SC meeting.
Arctic Ocean Acidification Hub Region

Steering Committee
- Dr. Agneta Fransson
Norwegian Polar Institute
Norway - Dr. Melissa Chierici
Institute of Marine Research
Norway - Dr. Kumiko Azetsu-Scott
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Canada - Dr. Claudine Hauri
University of Alaska Fairbanks